Rhinoplasty Treatment: Recovery planning is typically straightforward and non-intrusive.Even before surgery, experienced practices, like ours, make sure that two things are in the patient's hands:a prescription for an antibiotic cream and pain medication.Before surgery, the ointment is started to reduce the likelihood that harmful bacteria will be present in the nostrils.We bring both of the medications that are on a prescription to the surgery center so that we can verify that the pharmacy has filled the prescription correctly.In addition, it's helpful to have prescription painkillers on hand in case the ride home is too long.Pimples on the nose are a no-no and must be reported to the office a week before surgery, patients should be aware. Also, the doctor should be informed if you have a chest cold, flu, or any other medical condition that could make the anesthetic less safe.As a result, it's important to wash one's hands frequently and stay away from friends and fami...