4 Ways to Get Rid of a Double Chin

 Do you have a double chin or fullness under your chin?

Is this a brand-new issue for you, or have you been dealing with it for some time?Despite changing your diet and exercising, has it remained?A double chin can be caused by loose skin, weight gain, or genetics.Additionally, many of the patients at royal cosmetic surgery this concern frequently.However, before you can get rid of your double chin—also known as submental adiposity in the medical field—you need to know what it is, where it came from, and what it means for your health and body.

What exactly is submental obesity?

A double chin, also known as submental adiposity or submental fat, is referred to scientifically.Similarly as with all abundance fat, the best introductory treatment routine is diet and exercise.However, even with a healthy diet and exercise routine, fat around the chin and neck can be stubborn.Double Chin Treatment in Islamabad We see a lot of patients at royal cosmetic surgery Center who have lost a lot of weight through healthy eating and exercise, but they still have submental fat.Fortunately, you can slim down your neck and face by removing your double chin using a variety of methods.

1.Kybella, an injectable deoxycholic acid medication, is the first non-surgical option.This is a bile acid that the body normally makes to help the body absorb fat during digestion.Kybella destroys fat calls when injected into submental fat, preventing the body from storing fat under the chin.At this time, Kybella can only be injected into the submental area.It's possible that Kybella will be used on other parts of the body in the future.However, for the time being, it is only approved for use in submental fat.After applying a topical numbing medication to the chin, Kybella is typically injected.

In order to determine the quantity of Kybella required for injection, a sticker with a template diagram is applied to the submental region.Swelling, redness, pain, and firmness at the injection site are the most common Kybella side effects.Because the medication is destroying fat cells, patients can anticipate some swelling and redness for a few days after receiving treatment. 

Some patients see amazing, natural results after just one session, while others need two to three sessions.Female patient before and after receiving the non-surgical Kybella treatment to get rid of excess fat under the skin. After one Kybella treatment, this patient saw immediate results.Patients may require up to six sessions in rare instances.When Kybella needs to be used for more than one time, treatments usually take place six weeks apart.

2.CoolSculpting is another non-surgical option that patients should think about.This option makes use of a technique called cryolipolysis, in which a machine freezes and kills fat cells by freezing them.CoolSculpting can be used to get rid of fat in places like the stomach, thighs, back, and under the chin.When treating only the submental area, treatment sessions last about 45 minutes.Sessions will take longer if more parts of the body are being treated. 

The vacuum-applicator of the device needs to be able to fit a patient's neck in a way that makes it possible to determine if they are a good candidate for CoolSculpting.Patients can anticipate intense cold, pulling, and mild discomfort in the treatment area during treatment.Patients may experience mild swelling, redness, and bruising following treatment.Kybella injections and CoolSculpting are similar in that they typically require multiple sessions. 

3.Submental Liposuction Submental liposuction is a surgical method for removing submental fat for patients seeking a one-time treatment.This liposuction procedure can be carried out with either injected numbing medication or local anesthesia.Moreover, a few patients will accept an oral loosening up medicine too.A small incision is made underneath the chin in a crease of the skin that is not visible after the skin has been numbed.

The excess fat is then removed by a suction device after the skin and fat are separated through the small incision.For the most natural-looking results, we remove fat from the neck and jawline at the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams.After that, sutures are used to close the incision, which are removed approximately one week after the procedure.As the skin heals, submental liposuction can also have the effect of somewhat tightening the skin.

4.Lower Face & Neck Lift: These three procedures work to reduce excess fat in the neck and submental area.However, if a patient has bothersome excess skin on the neck, they probably won't get the best results without surgery.A lower face and neck lift may be an option for patients who want to get rid of excess skin on their neck and submental fat at the same time.By tightening the lower face and neck and removing excess skin, a lower face/neck lift can make patients look much younger than they did before.

This facelift, which is also known as a weekend or neck lift due to its quick recovery time, is done under general and local anesthesia and takes 10 to 14 days to recover.Patients who want a more long-lasting one-time treatment that also gets rid of their double chin and any excess skin on their neck and lower face are best candidates for this procedure.


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