

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck using a suction technique. These areas are also shaped (contoured) by liposuction. Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty and body contouring.

Liposuction in Islamabad Typically, liposuction is not considered a general weight loss strategy or an alternative. If you're overweight, bariatric procedures like gastric bypass surgery or diet and exercise are likely to help you lose more weight than liposuction.

If you have too much fat in certain areas of your body but a stable weight overall, you might be a good candidate for liposuction.

Why it's done:

 Areas under the chin that can be treated with liposuction Liposuction under chinOpen pop-up dialog boxAreas on the abdomen, chest, back, legs, and arms that can be treated with liposuction Liposuction treatment areasOpen pop-up dialog boxLiposuction is used to remove fat from the following areas of the body that haven't responded

Abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, calves, and ankles, chest, back, hips, thighs, chin, and neck, and sometimes for breast reduction or gynecomastia treatment.

Fat cells get bigger and heavier as you get bigger and heavier. Liposuction, on the other hand, reduces the number of fat cells in a specific area. The area's appearance and fat volume determine the amount of fat removed. As long as your weight stays the same, the resulting changes to your body shape are usually permanent.

The skin adapts to the new contours of the treated areas after liposuction. Your skin will likely appear smooth if it has a good tone and is elastic. However, the treated areas may appear loose if your skin is thin and has poor elasticity.

How to prepare:

food and medications Before the surgery, talk to your surgeon about what to expect. Your medical history will be reviewed by your surgeon, and they will inquire about any conditions you may have as well as any medications, supplements, or herbs you may be taking.

At least three weeks before your surgery, your surgeon will tell you to stop taking certain medications, like NSAIDs or blood thinners. Before your procedure, you might also need to have certain lab tests done.

Other precautions:

Your surgery may be performed in an office setting if only a small amount of fat needs to be removed. If a lot of fat is going to be taken out, or if you want to have other procedures done at the same time, the surgery may be done in a hospital, where you'll spend the night. In either case, make arrangements for someone to take you home and stay with you at least the first night following the procedure.

What to expect:

 prior to the procedure Tumescent liposuction procedure Tumescent liposuction procedureOpen pop-up dialog box Prior to your liposuction procedure, the surgeon may make marks of circles and lines on the areas of your body that need to be treated. Additionally, photographs may be taken to compare the before and after images.

The specific method used determines how your liposuction procedure will be carried out. Based on your treatment objectives, the area of your body to be treated, and whether you have had other liposuction procedures in the past, your surgeon will choose the appropriate technique.

Luminous liposuction The most common type of liposuction is this one. A sterile solution containing salt water, an anesthetic (lidocaine), a painkiller (epinephrine), and a drug that makes the blood vessels constrict are injected by the surgeon into the treated area. The affected area swells and stiffens as a result of the fluid mixture.

During the procedure:

 some liposuction procedures may only necessitate local or regional anesthesia, which is a type of anesthesia that is only administered to a specific region of your body. In some cases, general anesthesia, which causes a brief state of unconsciousness, may be required. A sedative may be administered to you, typically via intravenous (IV) injection, to maintain calm and relaxation.

Throughout the procedure, your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen level will be monitored by the surgical team. Inform your surgeon if you experience pain while receiving local anesthesia. There may be a need to modify the medication or the exercises.

Depending on how much fat is removed, the procedure might take several hours to complete.

A recovery room is where you'll wake up if you had general anesthesia. In most cases, you'll spend at least a few hours in a hospital or clinic so that doctors can keep an eye on how you're recovering. You may stay overnight in a hospital to ensure that you are not dehydrated or in shock from fluid loss.

Expect some discomfort, swelling, and bruising following the procedure. Antibiotics to lower the likelihood of infection and pain medication may be prescribed by your surgeon.

The surgeon may leave your incisions open and insert temporary drains to encourage fluid drainage after the procedure. Typically, you need to wear tight compression clothing for a few weeks to help reduce swelling.

You might have to wait a few days before going back to work, and you might have to wait a few weeks before going back to your usual activities, like exercising.


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